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Manage Functional Permissions

This pages describes the permissions granted to groups to perform the different functions in Pathfinder.

Select the Manage Functional Permission option from the System section.

An administrator can allow or deny permission to specific groups to perform certain tasks in Pathfinder.

Some tasks require very specific combinations of permissions to properly grant access to the functions.

Functional Permissions

In this dialog window, you can assign functional permissions to groups.

To learn more about user groups and group permissions, go to: Manage Groups.

Select the functional permission you want to allow for the users groups by clicking on respective row under individual groups.

Click on the group name to select all functional permissions for that group.

The image here provides examples of functional permission combinations you can create for different groups.

Admin group: The administrator group permissions usually extend to all functions as users in this group have administrative privileges.

ICC: The infrastructure, component and cable group permissions allow users to manage infrastructure, component and cable definitions and instances from the online and local catalog. Recommended categories for this group: Component permissions, Tags and VLAN Permissions.

Network: The network group allows users to manage cable connections, IP network subnets, tags, VLANs and perform SNMP IP scans for network monitoring. Recommended categories for this group: Cable Permissions, Tags and VLAN Permissions, IP and Scan Permissions


The following table describes the functional permissions and their descriptions.



Manage Catalog

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete component definitions from the local catalog.

For more information about the catalog, go to: Manage Catalog.

Manage Components

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete components instances from the local catalog.

For more information about component instances, go to: Manage Component Instances.

Manage Infrastructure

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete infrastructure object instances such as, locations, buildings, floors and rooms.

For more information about infrastructures, go to: Add Location.

Can Change Proxy

Allows users in group to edit the proxy settings. from the options window.

For more information about proxy options, go to: Proxy.

Can Use Online Catalog

Allows users in group to import component definitions and cable definitions from the online catalog.

For more information about the online catalog, go to: Import Component Definitions.

Lock/Unlock Network Paths

Allows users in group to lock and unlock the network path connections created in the Pathfinder network.

Manage External Tools

Allows users in group to manage external tools such as putty, telnet, etc.

Pathfinder has a few external tools integrated with the software for quick and easy access.

You can also add more external tools to Pathfinder.

For more information about external tools, go to: Manage External Tools.

Manage Line Connections

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete unassembled line cables instances from the local catalog.

For more information about cable connections, go to: Cable Management.

Manage Mobile Devices

Allows users in group to manage the mobile devices connected to Pathfinder.

For more information about mobile devices, go to: Mobile Devices.

Manage Naming Rules

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete naming rules.

For more information about naming rules, go to: Manage Naming Rules.

Manage Network Paths

Allows users in group to manage network paths of the cable connection instances.

For more information about network paths, go to: Manage Network Path Instances.

Manage Patch Connections

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete preassembled patch cable instances from the local catalog.

Manage SNMP

Allows users in group to Access the features of the SNMP module.

For more information about SNMP, go to: SNMP Query.

Manage Work Orders

Allows users in group to access the features of the work order management module.

For more information about work orders, go to: Manage Work Orders.

Export Data

Allows users in group to export data from Pathfinder to a file format.

For more information about exporting data, go to: Import and Export.

Import Data

Allows users in group to Import infrastructure, cables, subnets and (if "Manage Catalog" is checked) component definitions.

Manage API keys

Allows users in group to manage API keys and the API functions.

For more information about API keys, go to: API Keys.

Manage Reports

Allows users in group to access the report management module to create, edit and delete reports.

For more information about managing reports, go to: Manage Reports.


Allows users in group to only print reports.

View Reports

Allows users in group to view created reports.

Manage Phones

Allows users in group to manage the preloaded "Phones" tag in Pathfinder.

Manage Services

Allows users in group to manage the preloaded "Services" tag in Pathfinder.

Manage Subnets

Allows users in group to create, edit and delete networks, subnets and IP addresses.

For more information about subnets, go to: Manage Subnets and IP Addresses.

Manage Tags

Allows users in group to manage tags in custom root groups.

For more information about tags, go to: Tags Module.

Manage VLANs

Allows users in group to manage VLANs.

For more information about VLANs, go to: Manage VLANs.

Permission Combinations

The following categorizes the permissions into categories based on their functional combinations.

Catalog Permissions


Manage Catalog

Enable these permission to allow user group to create, edit and delete component and cable definitions in the online and local catalog.

Can Use Online Catalog

Component permissions


Manage Infrastructure

Enable these permission to allow user group to create, edit and delete infrastructure and component instances.

Manage Components

Cable Permissions


Manage Line Connections

Enable these permission to allow user group to create, edit and delete cable connection instances.

Manage Patch Connections

Manage Network Paths

Import/Export Permissions


Import Data

Enable these permission to allow user group to import and export files such as word, excel or pdf from and to Pathfinder respectively.

Export Data

Tags and VLAN Permissions


Manage Phones

Enable these permission to allow user group to create, edit and delete tags and VLANs for components, ports, slots and IPs.

Manage Services

Manage Tags

Manage VLANs

IP and Scan Permissions

Manage Subnets

Enable these permission to allow user group to create, edit and delete subnets, assign IP addresses to instances and monitor component information using MIBs.

Manage SNMP

Report Permissions


Manage Reports

Enable these permission to allow user group to view, create, edit, delete and print reports.

View Reports


Misc. Permissions


Can Change Proxy

These permissions grant access the specific modules and settings in Pathfinder. These permissions are usually denied for users outside the admin group.

Lock/Unlock Network Paths

Manage External Tools

Manage Mobile Devices

Manage Naming Rules

Manage Work Orders

Manage API Keys

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