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Cabinets and Racks Context Menu

Lots of funcionalities and information are available from the cabinet and rack context menus.

Right click on a cabinet or outside the cabinet to open the respective context menus.

You can enter the cabinet view mode by double clicking on the cabinet component.

Inside Cabinet/ Rack Context Menu

Right clicking on the cabinet or rack will bring up this context menu. From this context menu, you can perform the following actions:

  • Place component in rack: Place a component from the local catalog inside the cabinet or rack.

  • Create network map: Create a network map centered around the cabinet or rack.

  • View connections: Display a summary of all line and patch connections of components in the cabinet or rack.

  • Reports: Generate a report of components in room, cable connections, network path and more.

  • Search contained: Search for all components or cables or network paths in the cabinet or rack.

  • Show backside: Show the rear view of the cabinet or rack and of all components contained within.

  • Apply naming rule: Apply a naming rule to the cabinet or rack.

  • Relocate: Relocate or move the cabinet or rack.

  • Copy: Make a duplicate copy of the cabinet or rack.

  • Remove: Delete the Cabinet or rack, all contained components and all corresponding cable connections.

  • Print: Print a cabinet or rack view report.

  • Edit definition: Edit the cabinet or rack definition properties.

  • Properties: Edit the cabinet or rack properties. Also view attached documents and the history.

  • Design mode: Enter design mode to make changes to cabinet or rack and contained components.

Outside Cabinet/ Rack Context Menu


Right click outside the cabinet or rack area to open this context menu. This context menu allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Add cabinet to room: Add an unoccupied cabinet to the current room.

  • Add components to room: Place components, without any connections, directly into the room.

  • View legends: Turn visibility of legends for the cabinet or rack and its components, such as weight, power consumption, network connections, IP address, etc.

  • View tags: View tags at port and all inherited tags from connections.

  • Behavior: Change zoom options in cabinet or rack view.

  • Print: Print cabinet view.

  • Reports: Generate a report of components in room, cable connections, network path and more.

  • Design mode: Enter design mode to make changes to cabinet or rack and contained components.


  • Show port numbers: Enable or disable visibility of port numbers on ports.

  • Display port connections: Enable or disable visibility of next component connection information.

  • Show component names: Enable or disable visibility of component name on the component.

  • Show hints at ports: Enable or disable visibility of port information and network path when hovering over ports.

  • Show work orders: Enable or disable visibility of work order annotations.

  • Show all patch connections: Enable or disable visibility of patch cable connections.

  • Show line connections: Enable or disable visibility of line cable connections.

  • Show patch across layers: Enable or disable visibility of patch cable connections between different cabinets and racks.

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