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SNMP Live View

This pages describes SNMP live view function in Pathfinder.

Right click on a component instance to open the context menu. Select SNMP and click on live view.

The SNMP live view allows you to monitor your physical network in Pathfinder. Pathfinder will scan for components in its own subnet only. You can connect to another network via VPN and perform a SNMP live view of that network.



  • Check component for SNMP compatibility.

  • Enable and configure SNMP on component instances and corresponding components on your physical network.

Active components can support public, standardized or manufacturer specific MIBs. The live view shows which ports are currently occupied and provides information about the connected devices. It provides names, IP and Mac addresses and further information about the integrated modules.

  • You can update your results and stop the update process. You can retrieve hostnames and configure SNMP scan settings here (1).

  • Component information and OID is displayed here (2).

  • Information about the component’s ports and slots are displayed here (3).

Click on OK to close the live view.

SNMP Scan Setting

In the SNMP scan settings, you can select the name lookup for local and remote DNS.

Click on OK to confirm the scan settings.

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