Network Maps Context Menu
This pages describes the network maps context menu
You can access the network maps context menu by right clicking on the component.
The network maps context menu provides additional options to view and organize your network maps.

The network maps context menu contains the following options:
Place: Place new components in your network map as well as create labels, memos and links for your components.
Create: Create active, passive and connection specific network path maps.
Remove: Remove selected network map component.
Print: Print the network map you have created.
Export: Export the network map as a shareable file.
Background: Add a background to the network map.
Layout: Manage the layout the components.
Alignment: Align multiple components together.
Dimensions: Manage the dimensions of the components.
External applications: Access external applications like, Putty.
View: Update the network map to reflect new changes made in the network instance.
Properties: View the properties of the selected component from the network map.