Version 3.9.0
MAY 2023
Rack View
New and updated port type images have been introduced.
It is now possible to repatch multiple ports at once via drag&drop.
The loading and drawing speed of the rack view has been improved significantly.
Various other smaller adjustments have been made.
Storage room
grid: It is now possible to filter by storage room and device type.
grid: There is now the option to collaps/expand the entire tree in the context menu.
grid: The amount of devices is now displayed both per room and per type.
grid: User changes to the grid (e.g. column visibility) are now persistent.
Some other graphical adjustments have been made.
General Improvements
MSSQL Connection: Authentication via Integrated Security is now supported.
User defined fields are now available in reports.
FIX: The name and description of attached documents can now be changed.
Various other bugfixes have been made.