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Version 3.12.0

OCT 2024


New Rack View

  • The Rack View has been completely redesigned for a more modern look & feel

  • Drag & Drop patching is now supported for multiple parallel patch connections simultaneously

  • It is now possible to display all layers of a rack at the same time to easily move components or create patch connections

  • Tags can now be assigned to Racks

  • Selected racks can now be removed from the view

  • Files attached to a component are now indicated with a paperclip icon next to it and can be accessed directly from the rack view

  • An option for drawing tags and VLANs at ports dynamically on hover has been added

  • An option for drawing connections for selected ports has been added

  • Work order annotations can now be hidden

  • There is now a component state field for lifecycle management

  • The new component state is now indicated by color codes in the rack view

Pathfinder Discovery Module, Part 1

The Pathfinder Discovery Module replaces and extends the SNMP module.

A step by step transition guide will be published and linked here in the upcoming week.

  • Management of Discovery Jobs

    • New Dialog to create and manage SNMP scan jobs, which are executed by Pathfinder Server

      • Overview of jobs and their progress

      • Creating new scan jobs with

        • subnets to be scanned

        • SNMP credentials

        • scheduling (simple or cron based)

      • Logs and execution history for existing jobs

  • Management of Credentials

    • Create and manage snmp credentials (v1, v2, v2c, v3 with Authentication)

    • fully encrypted

  • Scan results are displayed in IP address, component and port properties in the new Discovery tab

    • Keep track of the last 20 job executions to easily spot changes

      • general information about the device (name, oid, type, hardware utilization…)

      • information about the structure of a device (modules)

      • information about the installed software

      • information about interfaces (ports, port state, vlan, ip, mac-address)

      • information about PDUs (Inlets, Outlets), (support for Raritan PDUs only)

  • The required connection to Pathfinder Server can be managed in the Options

  • New functional permission “Can Manage Jobs”

  • New functional permission “Can Manage Credentials”

Pathfinder Server

  • Enhanced Linux-Installer and Package

  • Updated Windows Installer

  • Windows Installer supports ARM platforms now

  • Updated Libraries to .NET Core 8

  • Integrated Plugin-System to host and execute python scripts

  • Discovery: Job Management

  • Discovery: Credential Management

  • Discovery: Agent Management (preview)

  • Discovery: Subnets & IP addresses

  • Discovery: Scan Results

  • REST API Endppoint for Jobs, Credentials, Subnets, IP addresses

  • Updated REST Endpoint for location with City attribute

Map, Location , Building, Floor, Room, Networkmap and Rack View

  • Introduction of the new hand and select tools to facilitate the panning of the view or selection of items. This can be done by

    • toggling between the two new modes in the shortcut menu

    • panning by holding the spacebar

    • panning by holding the right mouse button

  • Introduction of a new expandable right sidebar (Context Panel) that provides in depth information about the selected object (first draft)


  • The IP status field has been extended to offer more possible values

General Improvements

  • Windows Installer now supports Windows ARM platform

  • Work order: Export component list to Excel

  • Work order: Additional fields in report (e.g Rack Unit, Layer, Parent Component)

  • Network path table view: Chassis Name is now included for modules

  • Cable Properties: Network Path is shown for all lines

Bug Fixes

  • Missing Patch Rules for MPO-Modules

  • Multiple minor fixes

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