There are a lot of different kinds of reports in Patfhinder, one suited for every situation.
Reports can be created from the Analysis and Reports section or from a location or component’s context menu.
Analysis and Reports Section

You can create and manage reports from Manage Reports in the Analysis and Reports section of Pathfinder.
In Manage reports you can create component, cable and SQL based reports.
You can create component, cable and tray reports for locations and components.
You can also create new customized reports based on your requirements.
Context Menu

You can also create and manage reports from the context menu.
Right click on a location or component to open the context menu. You can find options to create even more types of reports from here.
You can create reports for patch and line connections, network overview and paths as well as reports for data outlets.
You can also print labels, cabinet view and room view for your network.